Fighting My Flesh
There are three enemies we must all deal with, the flesh, the world (philosophy, teaching, prevailing attitude.), and Satan along with his kingdom.
My flesh describes an internal part of my very person that I inherited from the Fall. It is totally wicked and depraved. It can never be reformed or improved because it flows out from God's judgment upon the sin of the Fall.
My flesh tempts me in
Moral, sexual sins
Spiritual sins
Social sins
"Lord my old, wicked sin nature is tempting me to engage in the fleshly sin of ________ and I know it is wicked enough to ___________.
Lord Jesus Christ I affirm that I am dead with You to the rule and control of my flesh and this temptation to ______________.
I invite the Holy Spirit right now to supplant and replace this fleshly temptation to ____________ with the fruit of His control. (Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, meekness, faithfulness and self-control)."
If ground has been given to Satan's kingdom this also needs to be taken care of.
"In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of His blood, I come against the unclean spirit of _____________ and all of his host. I command you to cease your work against me and you and your host must leave me and go where my Lord Jesus Christ sends you."
From Introduction to Spiritual Warfare course 1 pp. 7-9 Dr. Ken Copley
Used with permission